Are you operating your full potential? Get the mini-course & learn how.

Performance Coaching

for Ambitious Achievers

Operate at your full potential, level up as a leader, and scale your habits & company without sacrificing your well-being. #unshakable resilience



more Deep, Restorative Sleep


minutes of clear focus per day


improvement in stress and overwhelm

Performance Coaching

for Ambitious Achievers

Operate at your full potential, level up as a leader, and scale your habits & company without sacrificing your well-being. #unshakable resilience



more Deep, Restorative Sleep


minutes of clear focus per day


improvement in stress and overwhelm

Bloodwork | Supplements | Wearables | Sleep Quality | Hormone Balance | Exercise | Nutrition | Resilience

To scale your business or career, you

need to scale your habits.

This means becoming a leader with the traits & mindset that leads to growth & sustainable high- performance.

Our Performance Training helps you master the internal game of entrepreneurship and lead effectively & confidently. 

Overcome the stress that comes with achievement

Improve restorative sleep patterns

Amplify your baseline energy

Gain laser focus & think clearly under pressure

Thrive as a leader in the face of ongoing demands and challenges

There will always be challenges and obstacles that arise in your path and when they do, how you respond matters most. An important lesson I learned many years ago - you don’t have to overcome these odds on your own. And with the right support and accountability, you can reach the next level in both business and life.

Dan - Agency Owner

  • Increased Deep Sleep from 1H 40M to 2H 26M (32% increase).⁣⁣⁣⁣

  • Time to Fall Asleep decreased from 30M 12S to 13M 54S (54% quicker).

  • From 3 to 1 awakening at night (less interrupted sleep).

  • Sleep Efficiency improved 8H 2M to 7H 37M (less time to achieve more recovery).

  • Average Nighttime HRV (measure of nervous system strengthen & balance) increased from 23ms to 67ms - nearly tripled strength of nervous system resiliency! Meaning he can take on more challenges during the day and still remain at-ease, energized, & balanced.

  • Dan also increased his agency's monthly revenue to 1.2M/month up from 820K/month during this time and helped triple the income of another business he is a Founding Partner in!

  • Quote from Week 12 of Program:

    "I would not have been able to make these high-level decisions without having the skill of rebounding. It's incredible how much joy I get out of 15-20 minutes of quiet. I am more intentional about every moment of every day."

An Evidence-Based Growth Framework

Weeks 1-4



We manage a thorough data collection process involving:

  • Evaluation of your habits, routines, and constraints.

  • Environmental analysis

  • Sleep pattern analysis

In Peak Plan:

  • Wearable devices

  • Blood, urine, & stool biomarkers

We then assess all the data together to find the optimal starting point & tailored approach for you.

Weeks 3-8



More than just simple education & training. We work out how to implement your unique protocol into your daily life. We identify the specific ways to achieve each of the changes to your routine, focusing on habit formation to ensure lasting change.

We strive to reveal through objective analytical data (from lab data & wearables) and subjective self-assessment the impact of each protocol.

Weeks 8-16



During the adaptation phase, we identify the areas of opportunity to optimize psychological and mental performance and mindfully rewire cognitive patterns that will serve you well. Additionally, we train advanced mind-body practices that push the nervous system deeper into a state of balance & restoration. This stage aids in developing the most straightforward and effective methods to achieve unshakable resilience.

Weeks 16+



During Phase III, we refine your protocols and adjusted them to align with your unique physiology and objectives. We work in collaboration with you to discover exclusive combinations of tools and push your progress even further.

This ensures ongoing progress towards your ever-evolving goals.

Coaching Options

Our plans enable you to find the perfect level of support


Full peak performance course and accountability community for entrepreneurs. Provides all the evidence-based tools you need to perform at your peak, including sleep, nutrition, and breathwork. Have accountability from like-minded entrepreneurs, opportunities for 1:1 help, ask me questions directly, and gain meaningful relationships and networking opportunities with other successful founders.

Completely Free

Implement at your own pace. Recieve support in our exclusive community.


1:1 Resiliency Training Program. Optimize and strengthen nervous system function. Tackle the root cause of stress & improve resilience to regain control & withstand any obstacle. In depth analysis, customized response strategies rooted in neuroscience, personalized technique implementation, and support.

$1,236 /mo

6-month commitment


Leave no stone unturned. Full Optimization Protocol and Training. Extensive biometric analysis of organ functioning to enhance human performance. A truly holistic approach, personalized to your unique physiology and lifestyle. This approach includes comprehensive lab tests, wearable devices and supplementation.

Inquire for Pricing

12-month commitment

Community of high performing entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals

World-class health and performance protocols

Circadian rhythm optimization

Performance mindfulness training

Nervous system strengthening & regulation techniques

Rebuild perception of time and schedule optimization

Unlocking clarity & creative decision making on demand

Habit formation and flow management techniques

Supplement timing/dose optimization

Personalized nutrition and fasting protocols

Fully customized exercise plan

Environmental analysis

Unlimited 1:1 coaching with Dr. Smith

50+ lab tests included bi-annually (blood, urine, & stool)

Micronutrient, hormone, gut microbiome, methylation, & genetic testing

Medical-grade wearable device subscriptions

Unlimited access to database of specialty testing

Bespoke protocols customized to unique lifestyle constraints and intense travel

Unlimited 1:1 support from Dr. Smith via text, phone, video, & email

Groundbreaking training on the physiology of leadership and dopamine management

3-months of custom supplement packs included

Info on latest Performance & Recovery technologies

Exclusive members-only experiences


Full Peak Performance Course. Provides all the evidence-based tools you need to perform at your peak. Unleash your cognitive athlete by understanding the science of performance & following a roadmap to get you there. Self-study at your own pace. Built to be 3-month course.

$750 /license

Self-study at your own pace. Built to be a 3-month course.

Community of high performing entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals

World-class health and performance protocols

Circadian rhythm optimization

Performance mindfulness training

Nervous system strengthening & regulation techniques

Rebuild perception of time and schedule optimization

Unlocking clarity & creative decision making on demand


1:1 Resiliency Training Program. Optimize and strengthen nervous system function. Tackle the root cause of stress & improve resilience to regain control & withstand any obstacle. In depth analysis, customized response strategies rooted in neuroscience, personalized technique implementation, and support.

$1,236 /mo

6-month commitment

Community of high performing entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals

World-class health and performance protocols

Circadian rhythm optimization

Performance mindfulness training

Nervous system strengthening & regulation techniques

Rebuild perception of time and schedule optimization

Unlocking clarity & creative decision making on demand

Habit formation and flow management techniques

Supplement timing/dose optimization

Personalized nutrition and fasting protocols

Fully customized exercise plan

Environmental analysis

Unlimited 1:1 coaching with Dr. Smith

Unlimited 1:1 support from Dr. Smith via text, phone, video, & email


Leave no stone unturned. Full Optimization Protocol and Training. Extensive biometric analysis of organ functioning to enhance human performance. A truly holistic approach, personalized to your unique physiology and lifestyle. This approach includes comprehensive lab tests, wearable devices and supplementation.

Inquire for Pricing

12-month commitment

Community of high performing entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals

World-class health and performance protocols

Circadian rhythm optimization

Performance mindfulness training

Nervous system strengthening & regulation techniques

Rebuild perception of time and schedule optimization

Unlocking clarity & creative decision making on demand

Habit formation and flow management techniques

Supplement timing/dose optimization

Personalized nutrition and fasting protocols

Fully customized exercise plan

Environmental analysis

Unlimited 1:1 coaching with Dr. Smith

50+ lab tests included bi-annually (blood, urine, & stool)

Micronutrient, hormone, gut microbiome, methylation, & genetic testing

Medical-grade wearable device subscriptions

Unlimited access to database of specialty testing

Bespoke protocols customized to unique lifestyle constraints and intense travel

Unlimited 1:1 support from Dr. Smith via text, phone, video, & email

Groundbreaking training on the physiology of leadership and dopamine management

3-months of custom supplement packs included

Info on latest Performance & Recovery technologies

Exclusive members-only experiences

Dr. Mike Smith

Washington Medical License # NT60894977

Biofeedback Board Certification # B6231

BCIA Associate Fellow


I became passionate about performance & personal growth because of my upbringing & background as an elite athlete. 

From that passion & through my medical practice, I discovered so many entrepreneurs who were working tirelessly to positively impact the business & lives of their clients. These executives didn’t need help getting their clients excellent results, but they needed help finding more balance to sustain their high output. 

As a doctor who integrates knowledge across disciplines and sees everything through a holistic lens, I saw this problem from a unique perspective. Through my expertise in performance medicine and tech, I’ve brought an unorthodox approach to helping executives improve their cognitive performance and physical well-being.

Since 2017, I’ve been providing entrepreneurs with the systems and skills they need to achieve greater balance and cognitive performance so they can be at their best consistently, as they continue to scale their business and grow personally & professionally.

Are you ready for immediate & lasting change, for growth, and finding a better way to perform that will be supported by high-level well-being practices for the mind & body? I assist in addressing your unique challenges and give you direction on what must be put in place to take yourself to the next level or to stop stagnating and start thriving again.

Proven Results with a Wide Range of Entrepreneurs & Executives

Business owners add, on average, 90-mins of clear focus per day, 30% more deep sleep, & decrease stress by 75% using our system.

Kyle - Business Consultant

Background: Overwhelmed with the demands of scaling, which was affecting sleep quality, mental clarity, & ability to make creative decisions for the business.

Results: In 2-3 weeks, achieved more baseline calm & deeper sleep, as well as improved focus, mental clarity, & mindset, which led to an increase in business/sales and improved personal relationships.

Quote from Week 5: "No stress at all this week. Still have lots of clients & demands, but I am not internalizing; just listening & providing solutions."

Jack - Agency Owner

Background: Felt like he didn't have one extra minute of time in his day & demands kept growing, as well as travel.

Results: In 3 weeks, he was waking more refreshed with a clearer mind, decreased perceived stress from a 9 to 3 out of 10, & felt more confident handling high-pressure situations. By week 6, he felt more focused, personal relationships massively improved, & was managing travel much better.

Quote from Week 10: "I'm finding Zen-Like moments in times where I would have been stressed before."

Katie - CEO of National Corporation

Background: Was having a challenging time with virtually managing employees & increased travel, as well as increased stress with personal relationship causing issues with mental clarity & short-term memory.

Results: By Week 2, was more mindful of triggers & able to quickly self-regulate to a state of calm & feeling at-ease, which improved her clarity during the workday. By Week 5, was able to reframe beliefs & perceptions of some personal relationships, which improved her cognitive performance & resilience.

Quote from Week 2: "I had every stressor yesterday; but I was really impressed with myself because was able to see the stress, breathe, & refocus."

Chris - Executive VP of National Corporation

Background: Concerns with work & health created issues with sleep, focus, decision-making, mental clarity, and increased stress.

Results: By Week 3, perceived stress decreased consistently from a 9 to 2 out of 10, felt more focused & increased productivity during workday. By Week 4, he was sleeping through the night & waking feeling refreshed & energetic.

Quote from Week 3: "I experienced almost no stress this week and was able to be more present, focused, & productive."

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